On Monday Mechael Muller came to speak at Hillside, and it was freaking awesome. The man is made of stone and redbulls and his heart is all photography and Impact!. Listening to this guy makes me love photography so hard it hurts. I got out of that place wanting to shoot and punch people in the face. At one point he said that before a shoot he would take a deep breath and say to himself " I am going to murder this shoot". He reminds me of the "Powerthrist" videos on YouTube. Photography BANG!!!
On my search for good music I found this artist. Two year ago I decided to turn off my radio, because I was just tired of all the shit that was coming out of it. What was worst is that people buy into it, all top ten albums would make me hate music. So I decide that there had to be something more. So in some of my sleepless night ( every other day) I search for music. I don't care if it's the newest thing or if it's hipester approve. I just have to like it, fuck what others thinks is the coolest sound, you know who I am talking about. Less than two years ago I came across this ep that had really soft song on it. it wasn't really what I would listen to, but I put it on a CD, along with other music. I could stop listen to that sound, it even stayed with me. So I went out and look for more of her song. Lykke Li has been around for a while and she is not a new sound. Yet the girls is amazing, I can never get tired of listen to her. Thank God for YouTube, I am able to see all kinds of videos where she just sings. Like real artist use to, in small clubs, outdoors on the street and even in a fucken bathroom. Now who can still sound good in a small room like that, she even tap a spoon on key. She use to be a dancer for a show in her country, where she danced hip hop. You can even catch her "Crumping" in one her videos. I love her music and she's also very foxy, but as an artist, she got skills.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I've been working on this series for almost a 7 months, and everytime I have a session I keep pushing my self more. I try new things, it also help that ever subject is different. So every session becomes an experience, as it was on Monday. I shot to people for the first time. Lucky for me they were a couple, this gave me so many more options. Specially, because they had no clothes, that would be hard with strangers. I continue to shoot film with it, because I want to know what more I can do with this project. I know that there is so much more that I haven't though of.
This is fucken funny, and it never gets old...I love how one movie can influence another in a mess up way. "Oh we totally do" says Jay, is the best line in the movie. Watch out for "Pillow Pants" that troll will get you.
I realized that I am one step closer to graduating when I opened my box of promos today. I know I've been preparing for this since the moment I got here. All the work I put in this term is to graduate ready to work, but just looking a these postcards made me think. It's big boy time now suckas! Anyways it gives me a good feeling to know that all that work is paying off.
I am having a show on Sat. March 28, 2009 of work from two series ( Tattoo Artist & Transparent Ink ). It's 8pm to 12am at the American Electric Tattoo Company.
I have been working really hard to become comfortable with digital photography. I use to be someone lunch every Friday to get tutored on Photoshop. I research and bought books on working with digital media. I spend hours one file, doing 10 different versions of it to see what would work best. Finally I got to the point where felt like I knew enough to create work that I would be proud of. Then I began using my digital camera in the same way I had use my film one. So began buying medium format and 35mm cameras, and started to shoot film. I scan my negatives of course, but film has become my passion with in my other passion. Instead of taking a digi point and shot, I began to take my rangefinders everywhere ( Fuji 120 and 35mm Voigtlander). I have a need to take pictures every day. The more I shoot film, the more I remembered why I started doing this in the first place.
This weekend I went to the Bay Area to do a family portrait. Its been very crazy this term, and really need to get away. I had some issues with the project, I don't think me work say " hey I am family friendly". Once I figured that I didn't have to do anything unlike me, things where much more clear in my head. I decide not to stress and took the trip not as a job, but a time to reflect ( I know that sound so new age whiny bull). Once where on the road I found myself just staring out onto the road. There some thing so relaxing about looking at green hills, mountains and clear skies. There were certain time during the drive that I want to stop and just walk out into those field. I even got emotional about feeling the air hit my face. I am graduating, I should be enjoying this, not killing myself to place someone who might stand in front of my images for a few seconds. The night before I practiced my set ups, so the next day the shoot was so easy it took 3 hours to shoot 6 people in 2 sets. On the way back I caught myself stair out the window and feel happy. No thinking, no taking, no stressing, just letting everything go...